
Rogelio Tomás García

A sea wave can be perceived as a ripple that propagates between the atmosphere and the surface of the oceans. As it approaches the shore, it becomes not only something to jump over, but a phenomenon to study: a seesaw with a vertical and a longitudinal component. A sea wave can be a beautiful thing […]


Roberto Rinaldesi

The word freedom is gaining weight and interest these days. It is a very common term, but it is not a well defined concept. Many people think that freedom is just doing what you want. Roberto, a mechanical engineer who has been working at CERN for eight years, does not agree. “That is not really freedom. To […]


Michele Martino

Pasolini, one of Michele’s favourite film directors, once said that “the best in life are the past, the present and the future”. Michele is clear about this. “If you do not live with your mind in the past, the past only enriches you. And if you do not worry too much about the future, that […]


Thibaut Lefevre

The poet and philosopher George Santayana believed that pleasure is the central aesthetic category and beauty is nothing more than “pleasure seen as the quality of a thing”. If pleasure is relative, each of us will experience it differently. There is a group of people who live in wonder at being able to describe and […]


Nuria Valverde

We could ask “ondas do mar de Vigo” when was the last time they saw our friend Nuria, a welding engineer currently working at CERN. Nuria was born in the proletarian city of Vigo, located in the Galician Rias Baixas. She grew up with maritime sounds in the background: first, with the Atlantic Ocean and […]


Federico Carra

Sometimes, history or audiovisual studies are not too far away from engineering. Federico is a case in point. This mechanical engineer has been working at CERN for ten years now, but his attention and interests go beyond the boundaries of science. Federico studied mechanical engineering at Politecnico di Torino, about 60 kilometres from Ivrea, his […]


Daniel Wollmann

Only a few people have tasted the atmosphere of the CERN control center, or called control room in short. Daniel, an applied physicist who has been working at CERN for eleven years, knows it well. He has spent several nights shifts there, where “besides the experiment you are doing, you get to know the people […]


Marta Bajko

In a lost corner of the world, between mountains, is where Marta’s most peaceful place lies. A place of back to the reality, back to the basis, where she charges her batteries. She was born in Gheorgheni (Romania), a small city located in eastern Transylvania, around 175 km from “Dracula’s Castle”. She spent her first […]


Mar Capeáns

What child has not dreamed of a tree hut, of building her own shelter? Mar, a Particle Physicist and the Upgrade Technical Coordinator of the CMS experiment, did not only fantasize about architecture as a child. Now she does it too, because “it is the architect’s dream to make the house. Not a house, but the house”, […]


Michele Modena

The word polymathy refers to wisdom that encompasses knowledge about various fields of science, art or the humanities. A polymath is an individual whose knowledge spans a significant number of subjects. Michele is one of them. The term was expressed by León Battista Alberti, an Italian Renaissance architect who died in 1472 in Rome, where 488 years later, Michele […]