
Rama Calaga

When Rama, a radiofrequency physicist working at CERN’s Beams Department, presses the rewind button, arrives in a childhood dream. “When I was a kid, I had this great dream of doing physics. I was determined to travel abroad to do it, something that for others was not well seen. I cannot justify now if travelling so far was really necessary, but it gave me the motivation to achieve my goal. And I did it”.

Rama was born and grew up in India, where he misses his family and good food, but not in large quantities. “My memory of India is very little now, just a vague memory, so I cannot say I miss much”. When he was 18, he left the country for his higher education. The destination? USA

He went specifically there to work in the domain of physics and experimental physics. He did his degree at Truman State University in the state of Missouri, where T. S. Eliot, one of the great poets of the 20th century, was born. To complete his doctoral studies, Rama moved to Stony Brook University in New York, where he finished them jointly with Brookhaven National Lab.

His American period embraces the steps he took from adolescence to adulthood, which shaped much of his thinking, behavior and way to approach things. Again, he does not miss anything specific. Perhaps, from time to time, the greasy and delicious food. Perhaps also, their lifestyle, slightly different from the European one.

The reason he does not miss anything concrete is that he enjoyed what he was in the US. And now he enjoys where he is. “I am at CERN because I like to do physics. I am delighted to do research within this large multicultural and interdisciplinary community in which each person plays a very small role, working towards a common goal”, explains Rama.

In 2006, he completed his PhD at CERN. At that time, there was a program called LARP, thanks to which Rama came here. And, a couple of years later, he became a CERNie in the RF Group to develop “crab” cavities, which were a vital part of Rama’s postdoctoral studies, for the HL-LHC project.

Rama is an example of determination. He considers himself lucky because he believes that opportunities have helped him to achieve his goals. “You cannot achieve everything by yourself. Opportunities have to be presented. Then, you have to be close to them to grab them”, ensures Rama.

He remembers when he got his degree. “I was extremely happy. I was happier to get my bachelor’s degree than maybe when I got my PhD, just because it was an achievement from my high school when I left India to go to another country alone. That accomplishment felt good because it was my childhood dream”.

That is why, if he had to dream big, he would love to see how, in the next 10 or 15 years, he can give back to young students who now dream of their futures, what was given to him as a child.

Rama, an example of courage, perseverance and success, will always be present in T. S. Eliot’ verses because “only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go”.

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