
Mariam González

In the centre of the capital. At the most crowded and congested spot in town, where people only know the rush and the sky is greyer. “Pongamos que hablo de Madrid”, where Mariam lived until she came to work at CERN in early January 2017. She studied aeronautical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, […]


Laure Esteveny

It is said that dinosaurs exist at CERN. Laure says it. She defines herself as one of them. She started working here in July 1986. Now, almost 35 years later, she is the head of CERN Alumni Relations, but her road to it has had numerous bends. She has worked in many different job positions for CERN, […]


Ezio Todesco

Ezio Todesco. Bologna, Italy. 1965. Ph. D. in Physics, in Mathematical Physics. Currently working at CERN. Living in Geneva, Switzerland. Synthetic is the way he likes things.  It was in 1989, when Ezio joint CERN for the first time as a technical student. That was before his Ph. D. Later on, the same year that Guns, […]


Francisco Sánchez Galán

There are no big dreams, says Francisco laughing. He has always been closer to the “down-to-earth” ones club than to the dreamers party. That is why it is so difficult for him to imagine himself within 5 or 6 years, but there is no need to. For him, beauty is the nature itself. It is […]


Sabrina Riebe

Half German, half South African. Sabrina’s nationality belongs to the Germany of the philosophers, poets and musicians. Her birth, childhood and adolescence are based in Cape Town. She remembers the mornings there. Waking up in her parents house, looking out of the windows and contemplating the beautiful views of Cape Town, bathed by the Atlantic […]


Marcello Losasso

In 1998, Marcello came to CERN to stay only 6 months, as a project associated. But those 6 months became a whole career. So far, he has been working here for the last 20 and more years. Marcello is an applied physicist, who was born and raised in Salerno, located in the stunning Amalfi coast. […]


Rubén García Alía

Although he was born in Zaragoza, the childhood and adolescence passport of Rubén, an experimental physicist enthusiastic about learning and progress, embraces lots of stamps from both Atlantic’s shores. How to consider yourself belonging to a certain place if your nature of globetrotting? Rubén was born the same year that Bruce Springsteen, a rock legend […]


João Oliveira

The child that was afraid to forget any of his 60 cousins’ names. The child that saw his grandmother, always saving money for her loved ones’ future. That child was the first one, in the lifetime of the family, to attend university. That child is now a mechanical engineer who works at CERN. Grão a […]


Paolo Fessia

Who am I? Paolo hesitates. This could be the last question of a person’s life. It is still too soon for him to answer it, but he tries. He feels himself a person eager to discover and to learn. This curious 49 years-old Italian engineer is motivated by the fact of seeing (in the broad sense […]


Nacho Avilés Santillana

It has been nearly 10 years since Nacho landed at CERN and although, as he says, there are no Ikea instructions, he knew how to assemble all the furnitures at the first try. What started with a student scholarship has metamorphosed, with enthusiasm and determination, into an exemplary career. This industrial engineer’s roots are based […]